Friday, September 13, 2024

Why though?


Kids after they try pizza for the first time


Small things 13 Sep

  • Make pets safe again.
  • What kind of wine pairs with cat? Asking for a friend. Too soon?
  • I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that nobody will ever beat Trump for the number of memes that have been and will have been created thanks to his words and actions.
  • The name The Tragically Hip has a whole new meaning now and it makes me cry.
  • "I don't procrastinate. I intentionally wait until the last minute because then I will be older, and therefore wiser." ~Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
  • A rare worn down pencil belonging to William Shakespeare has been unearthed. Experts are not sure if the pencil is 2B or not 2B.
  • I'm at the age where if you text me at 10:17 PM, I'm texting you back at 6:12 AM.
  • A lot of folks are concerned about solar panels installed in fields. No problem. Instead let’s install them over parking lots and on mall rooftops.
  • The ‘why won’t this damned utensil drawer open?’ starter pack. Includes rolling pin, potato masher, giant ladle and cheese grater.
  • Remember sidewalk sales?
  • Every national anthem is technically a country song.

Maybe give the girl a try


Bigger boondoggles!


He invented the force

Roman Kroitor, a Canadian, was a filmmaker, a co-founder of IMAX and was a National Film Board director. 

George Lucas first heard about the idea of The Force watching Kroitor talk to Warren McCulloch in the abstract @thenfb abstract film 21-87. In that film, Kroitor said:

"Many people feel that in the contemplation of nature and in communication with other living things, they become aware of some kind of force, or something, behind this apparent mask which we see in front of us, and they call it God."

George Lucas has credited Kroitor as the inspiration behind The Force in Star Wars.

Wieners circle


Flash photo bomb


Things I learned lately 13 Sep

  • There Are 36 Countries Within 1,000km From Just Outside Prague.
  • The Icelandic government has agreed to buy out residential properties in GrindavĂ­k due to the town becoming uninhabitable after recent volcanic eruptions. The government has proposed to pay 95% of the insurance value of all residential housing in the town, at a cost of around USD$440 million. The buyout is necessary because GrindavĂ­k has been subject to repeated seismic activity since late 2023. About 3,700 inhabitants have been evacuated due to the risk of further eruptions.
  • Several universities are now offering dedicated programs and certificates specifically focused on AI in art and design.
  • Quotation marks originally looked like upside down commas because that’s what they were. In the 16th century, a form of punctuation that resembled commas was used in the margins of texts to indicate quoted material. These were known as "inverted commas" because they were essentially commas that had been rotated or inverted. This practice was first noted in the work of Henry Denham, who used outward-facing commas in the margins to indicate quotations.
  • Before 1992, we didn’t know how to make mass produced, efficient blue-coloured LEDs, only red and green.

Friday, September 06, 2024

An artist I love from the Heavy Metal magazine days - Moebius


Teacher has a job?


Small things 6 Sep

  • I’m not saying I’m desperate for hockey, but I went to the zoo just to boo the ‘penguins’. I won’t even mention what I’m doing to the ‘leafs’ this weekend.
  • Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. ~Groucho Marx
  • If we remove all the margarine on earth, the world would be a butter place.
  • Most bald men still own a comb. They just can’t part with it.
  • I wonder if people who live in Inglewood instead of saying I’m in the ‘hood or come to the ‘hood say I’m in the ‘wood or come to the ‘wood?
  • Potatoes make french fries, chips, and vodka. It's like the other vegetables aren't even trying.
  • In the Joy subdivision, you can live in the Love Will Terrace Apartments.
  • Canadians flirting: “I have heated seats and winter tires…”
  • The whole world could be on fire and the climate change deniers would still be denying.
  • I want to go grocery shopping like it’s 1999.

Some teachers are just amazingly creative

Teaching tectonic plate activity with candy bars...



Why I can’t vote for the UCP led by Danielle Smith

[This is but a small sample from a real live list of hundreds of horrible decisions, bad faith politicking, power grabs and funding cuts enacted by the UCP]

Interference in AHS hiring Dr Deena Hinshaw as Public Health and Preventive Medicine Lead with the Indigenous Wellness Core.

Interfering with the CPP even after it became clear that the majority of Albertans do not want an Alberta Pension Plan.

Reinstating the fuel tax even while many people were struggling to make ends meet.

Pausing all green energy projects even while the premier admitted that the grid needs more generation capacity.

Unreasonable tuition increases and education program cuts.

Education tax credit eliminated.

Increased funding to private schools.

Cap lifted on charter school funding.

Unnecessarily spending on privatizing the lab services, jeopardizing careers and making it difficult to get an appointment only to cancel the switch.

Tried to move forward with a new school curriculum that no school board wanted.

Tried to remove breakfast grants.

Threw out a new school curriculum. Created a Conservative panel with no active Alberta teachers on it.

Cutting the daycare subsidy.

Cancellation of 450 Children’s Service grants.

Mask mandates and online school classes are banned.

Deindexing Alberta Works and AISH.

John Howard Society loses all funding. Woods Homes funding cut.

STARS air ambulance funding cut.

CERB recipients cut from all provincial supports.

Funding cuts to museums and heritage sites.

Accusing teachers of ‘indoctrinating’ children.

Energy War Room. Finally cancelled, but should never have started.

Foreign mining companies are allowed to ‘explore’ coal mining.

Oil and gas companies now have a property tax exemption.

Provincial Park fees.

Cut funding to elite wildfire firefighters.

Closed down the rappel wildfire firefighting team.

Bad faith bargaining with doctors.

Bill 10 allows laws to be passed without due process.

Constant battling with Ottawa. Blaming them for literally everything.

Cuts to legal aid. Then cancelling the contract for legal aid.

Ceased Indigenous Land Acknowledgements.

Alberta doesn't recognize National Truth and Reconciliation Day.

Alberta removed provincial indigenous tax exemption cards.

“The unvaccinated are the most discriminated group”.

Threatening to put hospitals under a Catholic healthcare provider whose listed principles include no abortion, no IVF, no contraception, pharmaceutical or otherwise, whose board is primarily made up of former UCP politicians.

Trying to block the Green Line at every turn.

Refusing to increase funding to Calgary’s Green Line.

Trying to blame the Green line cost overruns and now cancellations on Nenshi.

The irony


Making the bed


Things I learned lately 6 Sep

  • Chicagoans have a strong aversion to putting ketchup on their hot dogs. This disdain for ketchup is deeply rooted in the city's food identity and the specific ingredients that characterize a Chicago-style hot dog. The Chicago-style hot dog is a culinary icon, typically consisting of an all-beef frankfurter served in a steamed poppy seed bun, topped with mustard, chopped onions, sweet pickle relish, tomato slices, sport peppers, a dill pickle spear, and celery salt. This combination of toppings reflects the city's diverse immigrant history, with each ingredient representing different cultural influences. Ketchup, with its sweet flavor profile, is seen as an unwelcome addition that disrupts the carefully balanced taste of the hot dog and its toppings. The aversion to ketchup has become a part of Chicago's identity, with even notable figures like Barack Obama commenting that ketchup should not be used on hot dogs past the age of eight. This cultural stance has been so ingrained that asking for ketchup can lead to public ridicule or even refusal of service at some hot dog stands.
  • Canada is home to the world's oldest known rock, the Acasta Gneiss, which is approximately 4.01 billion years old.