Friday, September 13, 2024

Small things 13 Sep

  • Make pets safe again.
  • What kind of wine pairs with cat? Asking for a friend. Too soon?
  • I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that nobody will ever beat Trump for the number of memes that have been and will have been created thanks to his words and actions.
  • The name The Tragically Hip has a whole new meaning now and it makes me cry.
  • "I don't procrastinate. I intentionally wait until the last minute because then I will be older, and therefore wiser." ~Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
  • A rare worn down pencil belonging to William Shakespeare has been unearthed. Experts are not sure if the pencil is 2B or not 2B.
  • I'm at the age where if you text me at 10:17 PM, I'm texting you back at 6:12 AM.
  • A lot of folks are concerned about solar panels installed in fields. No problem. Instead let’s install them over parking lots and on mall rooftops.
  • The ‘why won’t this damned utensil drawer open?’ starter pack. Includes rolling pin, potato masher, giant ladle and cheese grater.
  • Remember sidewalk sales?
  • Every national anthem is technically a country song.

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