Friday, September 06, 2024

Things I learned lately 6 Sep

  • Chicagoans have a strong aversion to putting ketchup on their hot dogs. This disdain for ketchup is deeply rooted in the city's food identity and the specific ingredients that characterize a Chicago-style hot dog. The Chicago-style hot dog is a culinary icon, typically consisting of an all-beef frankfurter served in a steamed poppy seed bun, topped with mustard, chopped onions, sweet pickle relish, tomato slices, sport peppers, a dill pickle spear, and celery salt. This combination of toppings reflects the city's diverse immigrant history, with each ingredient representing different cultural influences. Ketchup, with its sweet flavor profile, is seen as an unwelcome addition that disrupts the carefully balanced taste of the hot dog and its toppings. The aversion to ketchup has become a part of Chicago's identity, with even notable figures like Barack Obama commenting that ketchup should not be used on hot dogs past the age of eight. This cultural stance has been so ingrained that asking for ketchup can lead to public ridicule or even refusal of service at some hot dog stands.
  • Canada is home to the world's oldest known rock, the Acasta Gneiss, which is approximately 4.01 billion years old.

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