Friday, August 30, 2024

Small things 30 Aug

  • Imagine if more people said, “I don’t know enough about that to properly form an opinion on it.”
  • A good relationship is when she is by your side during bad times, to tell you that none of this would've happened if you had just listened to her.
  • If you died choking on a gummy bear, I would just tell people you were killed by a bear and leave it at that.
  • John Fluevog shoes’ new slogan: “Total sh** show.”
  • If you're trying to impress me with your vehicle, it had better be a food truck.
  • Old enough to do whatever I want. Too tired to do it.
  • Corporations making record profits: “It’s inflation…”   Consumers: “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
  • People on benefits aren't negatively affecting your life in the slightest. If your life sucks, it’s probably because of the rich. Blaming the people on benefits suits them just fine.

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