Monday, September 10, 2007

"Attention - this vehicle is being driven by a dopestick"

I was in my room this morning and began to notice what sounded like some kind of official announcement blaring from a public address system outside, but it was far enough away that I couldn't quite make it out. But it caught my attention, in that it's not often you hear announcements blaring outside. So I continued to listen in hopes that it would get closer and therefore louder - which it did. Finally I could hear what was being said:

Klaxon klaxon - "Attention, this vehicle is reversing" over and over and over.........

Seriously. Vehicles that speak when they back up...... Wouldn't it be fun if they had a personality and started saying stuff like this post's title? Or how about, "Warning - this driver is on their cell phone and in another world"? Or "Danger! Danger! This driver applies their makeup without warning.... but not their signals"

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