Monday, September 10, 2007

Checkin' out the groceries

Whenever I visit a different country, I like to visit the grocery store to see what they have that we don't and vice versa. So, today I strolled over to the nearest ASDA (which stands for ASquith and DAiries), now a subdivision of Wal[gack]Mart.

In the US, there may be a few unique brand names, but the selection of products is relatively the same (let's say 85% the same). In the UK, they have a lot of different stuff. Things I've noticed:
  • They loves them some beans in tomato sauce - half an aisle dedicated to them
  • There seems to be less junk food in the aisles
  • They have at least 12 flavours of yogurt, maybe more - some even have layers of 3 flavours
  • Long shelf life milk (Ultra Heat Treated) is common
  • Their 'take away' selection has a distinctly culturally rich diversity - stuff I've never seen before
  • Iced tea and gingerale - rare - what's up with that?
  • They're not called 'English' muffins, they're just called muffins - but what we call muffins are still muffins too
  • Cans of Heinz macaroni and cheese [gack!]


yoo hoo said...

I am such a grocery store whore. It could be because I work in the grocery industry...ya think?

Karl Plesz said...

I think that is the first time I've ever seen the words 'grocery store whore' consecutively in one sentence. Maybe even the same paragraph. Nicely done.