Sunday, January 07, 2007

This is the hardest one yet

Where is it edition 12. Name the city. A friend said nobody would get this one. Let's see if he's right. Click the image for a bigger version.

Good luck.

[update] It appears my geo-surfers would like a hint. Very well. The country this city is in ends in -stan.


Anonymous said...

my first guess is Karlsruhe, Germany


Karl Plesz said...

And that would be incorrect.

Anonymous said...

...just so you know, we are still working on this one!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm back with a fast computer, I didn't know there were so many old towns with cyclotrons in them. I like this one. I WILL figure it out.


Karl Plesz said...

Cyclotron? Where? Are you referring to that racetrack-looking thing? Because I don't think it's a cyclotron....

Anonymous said...

Ok Throw us a bone, A continent,a hemisphere, a wider area picture, a river a coastline anything. It's turning my hair grey. I've spent two hours on it so far! I showed to one person and he thinks it's in the archives of sim city. but since I don't play games except Karls' geography challenge I wouldn't know


Anonymous said...

Thanks Karl The search is now down to 2.3 million square miles. I didn't think about searching Islamic countries. It just looked europian to me.


Anonymous said...

Finally.......Bishkek Kyrgyzstan


Karl Plesz said...

We have a winner.

Anonymous said...

way to go Jimbo! I'll buy you an O'Douls sometime. I still think that it's the 88 inch cyclotron under that racetrack looking thing at the University of Bishkek. Thanks for the challenge Karl


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave.....O'Douls sounds good.