Where is it edition 12. Name the city. A friend said nobody would get this one. Let's see if he's right. Click the image for a bigger version.
Good luck.
[update] It appears my geo-surfers would like a hint. Very well. The country this city is in ends in -stan.
my first guess is Karlsruhe, Germany
And that would be incorrect.
...just so you know, we are still working on this one!
Ok I'm back with a fast computer, I didn't know there were so many old towns with cyclotrons in them. I like this one. I WILL figure it out.
Cyclotron? Where? Are you referring to that racetrack-looking thing? Because I don't think it's a cyclotron....
Ok Throw us a bone, A continent,a hemisphere, a wider area picture, a river a coastline anything. It's turning my hair grey. I've spent two hours on it so far! I showed to one person and he thinks it's in the archives of sim city. but since I don't play games except Karls' geography challenge I wouldn't know
Thanks Karl The search is now down to 2.3 million square miles. I didn't think about searching Islamic countries. It just looked europian to me.
Finally.......Bishkek Kyrgyzstan
We have a winner.
way to go Jimbo! I'll buy you an O'Douls sometime. I still think that it's the 88 inch cyclotron under that racetrack looking thing at the University of Bishkek. Thanks for the challenge Karl
Thanks Dave.....O'Douls sounds good.
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