Saturday, February 12, 2005

Two wheeled mayhem

I don't know what it's like where you live, but here we need to do something about ignorant cyclists. Don't get me wrong - I think cycling is great. I admire people who take an environmentally friendly form of transportation.

The problem I have is with cyclists that can't make up their mind if they want to be treated like a pedestrian or like a vehicle. If you're going to drive like a vehicle, then stick to that plan - stay in a lane, signal like everyone else, and follow the rules of the road. This includes stopping at stop signs and red lights. If you'd prefer to be treated like a pedestrian, then stay on the sidewalk and cross at pedestrain crossings - dismounted. But don't be riding on the sidewalk, then suddenly and without warning decide to hop onto the road and occupy a lane. If the road conditions (such as during a blizzard) mean you can't maintain control of your bike, then consider an alternative mode of transportation. If there's a bike path less than 25 metres away from the road you're occupying - you might want to leave the road for the motorized vehicles and get on the path designated especially for you.

I know not all cyclists are this way. It's too bad some of them have to spoil it for the rest. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

I hear ya karl. I was a bike courier for several years, and yes, I know what your going to say: "Couriers are worse".
This is the typical response.
The thing about civilian cyclists is that they go where they are going in their own time, and they really don't care about their impact on the people around them because there is so much emphasis on "Sharing the Road". This has managed to create an attitude in cyclists that they can act however they want, and they don't have to be accountable because if you hit them, it's your fault.
One thing I've always thought is that if your gonna ride at 15 km/h on the street, RIDE YOUR SLOW ASS ON THE SIDEWALK!
It's really not that difficult to ride at least 40 km/h, and at least then, you're not having as much of an impact on the traffic around you.
This is the point where I stop ranting. My bottom line really, is that if you can't keep speed with traffic, get out of the street. with the exception of going uphill, I've never had a problem making at least 40-45 km/h. Maybe I've gotten a little off of your original topic there karl, but I haven't posted anything anywhere for a while, and I thought I would take this opportunity to vent.

Karl Plesz said...

Vent away! All opinions count here. And I totally agree with you about keeping up with the traffic. Back where I grew up in the outskirts of Montreal, all the major roadways have a bike lane - which really helps. Maybe we need to try that here, but I fear our totally car-centric culture would rebel.