Friday, December 27, 2019

Things I learned lately 27 Dec

  • The magnetic north pole (pictured) is really cruising along faster than it has in over 100 years.
  • Dollar stores make their profit on selling you a small amount of something for a low price. The value per unit sold though, is much less than buying a regular sized package
    in a regular store.
  • IKEA Heights, a series of 5 minute soap opera parodies, was filmed entirely in the Burbank IKEA and the store didn't even realize it was happening.
  • Quebec has 43% of the national total of electric vehicles.
  • A burger joint in Calgary opened its doors to the homeless Xmas Eve and gave out over 600 burgers for free. Flipp'n Burgers is the place.
  • There seem to be gravitational effects in our solar system that point to evidence of a 9th planet, almost as big as Neptune, 10 times the mass of earth, moving in a 10,000 year elliptical orbit out beyond the kuiper belt. They've been looking for it since 2016-ish.
  • The Tesla Trans-Canada Supercharger network is now live. You can now drive from Vancouver to Halifax and get all your charging at a Supercharger, and many are version 3 chargers. We're now at over 15,300 Tesla charging stalls globally.
  • White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in the US in 2018.
  • Tigers have "false eyes" on the back of their ears to discourage predators from attacking them from behind. Interesting. More interesting though, tigers have predators.
  • A teaspoon of honey is the life work of 12 bees.

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