Friday, December 27, 2019

Small things 27 Dec

  • I suddenly had a weird movie idea. Ghosts terrorizing rich people at Christmas until they give their employees better pay. Yeah, I know it sounds familiar, but wait. Then the rich people call the Ghostbusters. But then the Ghostbusters figure out what's going on and call the A-Team to kill the rich people.
  • If we trained a raccoon Navy, would they sail out and eat the Pacific garbage patch?
  • When a Boomer tries to get all "We knew how to do things right", just remind them that they're the generation that covered up hard wood floors with linoleum and carpet.
  • There are people, in the US, who think that NASA is keeping secrets and that Donald Trump's Space Force will finally reveal what's really out there.
  • Imagine if your credit card had a yearly wrap-up like Spotify.... "You spent $753 on coffee. You're a loyal Esso'er. You bought 443 double-doubles at Tim Hortons....."
  • Ever notice the look you get from your cat when you try meowing at them?
  • My sombre thoughts go out to all the animals shelter workers who will likely be seeing an uptick in arrivals post-Christmas.
  • You don't hate winter. You hate that you have to go back to work instead of curling up beside the fireplace with a nice drink....
  • A poem about Rudolf:

Noses aren't red
Elf unions are avoidable
Deviation from the norm is mocked
Unless it's exploitable

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