Saturday, October 10, 2009

Never date within the division

The Boston Bruins are my nemesis (being a Habs fan), but I have to give props to these awesome commercials for Bruins Hockey Rules, especially the one where the bear challenges the Bruins fan for going out with the Habs fan.

More bear fun here, here and here.


Anonymous said...

Not being a hocky fan (Gasp!) I have no idea who the "Habs" are. What does Habs stand for? Haberdashers ? Habituals ?


Karl Plesz said...

It's a short form of Les Habitants, which is one of the many nicknames of the Montreal Canadiens hockey team. Other nicknames include: Les Canadiens (or Le Canadien); Le Bleu-Blanc-et-Rouge; La Sainte-Flanelle; Le Tricolore; Les Glorieux (or Nos Glorieux); and Le Grand Club.