Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If she could only see the big picture

There's a woman in Langley BC who wants her children's school to abandon its plans to install wifi and stick to the old-fashioned wired network. The mother and 60 others who have signed a petition are concerned about radiation from the planned wireless network.

I hope this mother and the others concerned also take into account the ever increasing number of wifi networks popping up in restaurants, coffee shops, airports, grocery and box stores, malls and private homes. If you live in an urban area, you'd be hard pressed to navigate through your day without being within constant range of a wifi transceiver these days. Your neighbour could have wifi and you wouldn't even know (without the tools to check). Never mind the radiation emitted by cordless phones, televisions, baby monitors, cell phones and high voltage power lines.

I've always said, I wish there was a special set of glasses you could don that would let you see the electromagnetic radiation that surrounds you. I challenge that if this mother could see it - it would put things into better perspective. She wouldn't be happy, in fact she would likely be in shock, but she would see that the school's wifi emissions are but a drop in the bucket.

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