Sunday, May 18, 2008

Aliens are God's creatures too.....

The Vatican says it's OK to believe in aliens. I kid you not!

The Vatican are getting quite tolerant of late. The next thing you know, they're going to say it's OK to believe in evolution..........



Retro Blog said...

Yes, well there is a vast universe out there just begging for enlightenment and cathedrals. The aliens shall be recognized, educated, and baptized etc etc etc. Be interesting to hear what the aliens think eh?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I almost forgot, for those Islamic aliens it will be most important to figure out when exactly to pray and in what direction, after all that is a very large part of the reason we in the western civilization eventually got clocks and compasses etc. R

Anonymous said...

There are many celestials of many different sect … each traveling of their own Designed FLOATS … Flyers Levitating Of Advanced Technology …. The only celestial aliens that exist are those that travel from abroad through distance space who are unrelated to the many sect already associated with this planet ….

Then of course, there are those earthen aliens such as illegal aliens traveling abroad from other earthen countries ….

Celestials have been secretly apart of this planet’s activities since early surface evolution … And now because of failing power Facilities of their unorthodox advanced technology, many things hidden will at first gradually come into view as they struggle uselessly to reestablish their cloaking abilities … and many things once elevated in secrecy by their unorthodox power facility, Will fall from place … the effects of this spill-over has been referred to as the opening of seven seals ….

A ‘once celestial’ people will walk as surface dwellers …..

I am just an Old Soul passing through, given something important to say …

I write so that Walkers of the Good Faith will not be left uninformed in these matters in this new UFO era that now approaches ….Never miss an answer for Today's Mystical Concerns All Around Us; Planet X, UFOs, reptilian colonies, celestial colonies, Lucifer, rapture, Beelzebub, Satan, inseminated babies, clones, earth's core ignites, VISIT THE ENLIGHTENING SITE OF SOD http://sod2008. .com register as a friend … ask questions … leave comments …or email me at