Wednesday, February 27, 2008

RPM edition 2

Since the first trivia question went so quickly, I thought I'd get another one out there right away.

Q.: What gender bender wanted to release an album sporting women's panties?

Answers in the comments please. Good luck.


Jim said...

Can I ask a question? Is this male/female from England?

Anonymous said...

I'll guess Boy George


Karl Plesz said...

dvd: not Boy George

Jim: Male, but not from the UK.

Jim said...

M Jackson?....if not then what decade are we talkin here?

Karl Plesz said...

We're talking the early 1970's.

Anonymous said...

Maxflex says;

who is David Bowie

Jim said...

Gary Wright?

Karl Plesz said...

Not Bowie. Not Wright.

He's got no class. And he's got no principles.

Jim said...

Alice Cooper......

Karl Plesz said...

I'm guessing the hint did it, right?

Yes, Alice Cooper. Did you know he packaged his first run of School's Out with panties wrapped around the album (inside the sleeve)?

Jim said...

Really? No I didnt know that.....I bet it would sell for a good buck if you had the album in its original packaging.

Yes....the hint did it :)