Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Because I can

I'm growing a soul patch.

I just thought I'd throw that out there.......

I know........ I'm such a rebel. Yes I am.


Bernie May said...

You mean a "beaver patch"?

Anonymous said...


Karl Plesz said...

Worst..... comment.... ever.

No context, no identity, no anything.

Do I call 911? Are you choking on your own bile?

yoo hoo said...

We're gonna need pictorial evidence.

Karl Plesz said...

Check my latest Facebook profile picture. Mind you - it's not very long yet, so it just looks like shadow at the moment.

Anonymous said...

What a charming name for a mini-beard under the lower lip. I did not know what they were called. However, if you err on the blond size please let it grown long enough to NOT look like a shaving mistake.