Sunday, July 01, 2007

If you're not doing it....... get the freaking maps changed!

Sometimes the silliest things annoy me. Lately, it's been the 'planned' change our city wants to make to the intersection of 16th Avenue NW (the Trans Canada Highway), Shaganappi Trail and Bowness Road.

The city proposed their lame idea 3 years ago and the local populace did not approve. The city then went back to the drawing board, saying they would take our concerns into account. We never heard back. I was getting worried because their web site offered no updates, yet the newest city street maps for sale (Map Art brand) were showing the revised intersection instead of the existing one. That had me worried the city was going to try to pull a fast one and begin the work without consulting with us again.

But nothing happened. In fact, they just finished putting up this huge highway sign right where one of the new ramps was to be put - suggesting that the change has been shelved, if not outright abandoned. But now an even newer street map is out and the new interchange design is still on the page. I don't know which is worse - getting the intersection we don't want, or having to look at the new intersection in the street map book............

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