Saturday, June 30, 2007

I like to drive....

I watched my odometer turn over 100,000 kilometers this morning. That's around 62,000 miles.

In 3 years, 3 months.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday I watched mine turn over to 154,000 Km. I checked my mileage records and since you got your car I have put on 52,195 Km. So the Grade 6 math question of the day is. If Subject A(Karl) keeps driving at the same avg Mileage per day and Subject B(Dvd) Drives at his same Avg Milage per day approximatly when will the two vehicles have the same mileage on


Karl Plesz said...

I was told there would be no math........

Anonymous said...

I knew you'd come back with that quote


Karl Plesz said...

Well, you did leave a double swinging door wide open there.

I don't get to use that line very often.... so when I do.....

Canuck Girl said...

I just watched mine turn 118, my 9.5 year old car. It also symbolizes that I drove 5000 km last week.

I don't like driving much

Jim said...

Ok DVD.......I'm gonna guess about 3 years 3 months or so. You have to give me some slack here because my brain doesnt work to good after a camping weekend....

Anonymous said...

Or so If I drove 50,000 Km it would be 3yrs 3 months but since I drove 2195 Km more the answer would be less. although in each year for the last three my mileage driven has gone down an average of 10% per year. but that would have taken the math question to a grade 7 level.
