Sunday, May 27, 2007

Where have all the stickers gone..... ?

As I was driving through traffic the other day, I noticed an aspect of living in the 70s that's missing from today's culture. Bumper stickers.

Oh - we have them........ but not to the same extent as in decades past. There was a time that you didn't have to look very far to find a vehicle with at least 5-10 stickers on the back and/or sides. Vehicles with grandiose collections of 20 or more stickers were harder to find, but not rare.

These days (where I live anyway), stickers are much harder to find, especially if you discount the stylish ones belonging to boarders, skaters and skiers; and the usual Calvin pissing on the [fill in the target car brand here] logo.

Picture by saffanna.


Jim said...

There may not be many bumper stickers out there Karl....but there are getting to be a lot of cars with ads all over them. Like a frigin mobile billboard sign.

Anonymous said...

The overdone bumper sticker fad had to be one of the tackiest elements of that era. (Oh, and by the way, there is only one car brand that gets pissed on..... Along with the "F@#k you F#$d boy, get a real Car!"