Tuesday, May 15, 2007

100 things in 100 days - number 32

32. I have no tattoos. Or piercings. This will not change.

Not much to add to that. I've said this before - I don't have anything against tattoos. I do not judge people who have them. I'm just not interested in getting one. They're too................... permanent. As far as piercings go, again - I'm just not interested. But I have nothing against them. In fact, I think they're cool....... I just prefer them on other people.

Don't try to understand, just try to accept it.


Unknown said...

Once upon a time I had the idea of having a tatoo all over my chest. This had to bee a complete drum-set with double bass-drum. You know, all its huge rack and cymbals... the drums perhaps color red. I am a drummer so I thought it was a good idea, but it was only a flash.

Without it, I can dream not only with one drum-set but with many more, with different colors and sizes. And what about guitars, singers or aesthetic violins?

They can be tatooed in my electronic chest for free.

Tomorrow I will have a cat, a white cat that says: "Go for 101"

junebee said...

Looking back, I'm glad I didn't jump on the tattoo bandwagon. And as far as piercing, I have only the two standard earlobe holes, one in each earlobe. They hurt so much I never wanted any more.