Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cyclists with split personalities

A while back I ranted about cyclists. Well, it happened yet again. Yesterday, I'm driving down 16th Avenue and I'm starting to make a right turn onto Edmonton Trail. Some young cyclist decides to dart out from the sidewalk, attempting to cross the street like a pedestrian (on a green light). Not seeing them until the last minute, I almost hit the person and they started giving me the hand gestures associated with people who aren't in complete agreement with those around them.

I'm sorry folks, but if you're going to ride on the sidewalk, you have to follow the rules of a pedestrian. So when the crossing sign is a red hand, that means you don't get to go. If you had been riding on the street, you would have enjoyed all the benefits of a vehicle, including the all important 'being seen' benefit, along with the added benefit of getting to cross an intersection with less fear of being hit. Be a pedestrian or be a vehicle - but you can't be both. Because there's just no telling when you're going to switch.

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