Sunday, December 17, 2006

Who likes fruitcake?

I don't know many people who like fruitcake. But I am one of those people. It's perfectly logical as to why I like it too. I was conditioned. My family would get fruitcake at Christmas time and put it away in the cupboard. Where it was forgotten. But not by me. That was my secret stash. When Karl was jonesing for a little some'n some'n, he would go at that fruitcake. He knew nobody would be the wiser. He was wrong - but it didn't matter. I likes me some fruitcake. But it has to be the rich, nutty kind with the cherries and pecans ready to fall off the thing like so much yummy avalanche material. Much to my surprise, Darlene likes fruitcake too. This has to be rare.

Anyone out there dig fruitcake? Any couples out there who both like the stuff?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like fruitcake as long as it's not the store bought kind. It has to be home made with lots of real, dark rum. My parents, (who are of English/Scottish background), brought me up on the stuff. My husband and his family, who are from Croatia, think fruitcake is disgusting and are insulted when people give it out at weddings.
