Friday, August 16, 2024

This stuff is being delivered to homes now

Apparently my streets are littered with the rotting corpses of the vaccinated.

Other "article" headlines included:

  • "Excess deaths from disease increases 50% among young people"
  • "Let the Fear-Mongering begin"
  • "Why is Canada Burning"
  • "Statins and Accelerated Aging"
  • "Scientists Create Organic Slave Computer"
  • "The Mainstream Worldview Is A Mass-Produced Artificial Psychosis"
  • "Transhumanist Agenda"
  • "Slaves in a Jar"
  • "The Censorship Cartel"
  • "The Rule of Law"
  • "Three Sinister Reasons for the Push to Electric Vehicles"
  • "Trudeau Considers Additional Housing Tax"
  • "Truth, Reality, Housing, and Freedom"
  • "The Twisted Road of Inclusion"
  • "Seizures of Opiods Exploded by 3000% in Ontario City After "Safer Supply" Experiment"

There are also lists of "websites of interest"

This is how right wing conspiracy theorists are going to bypass social media rules about disinformation.

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