Friday, August 30, 2024

Things I learned lately 30 Aug

  • They changed the alphabet song so that the ‘lmnop’ part is sung less compacted than before.
  • The belief that you need to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily is based on a misunderstanding of basic physiology. While water is essential for life, the body loses about 1.5-2 liters of water daily through breathing, sweating, and urination, which needs to be replenished. However, this doesn't mean you need to drink 6-8 glasses of water specifically. The 1945 recommendation for 2.5 liters of daily water intake included water from food sources, which many people overlook. Most people naturally consume enough water through their regular diet and beverages like coffee or juice. The thirst mechanism is reliable in prompting you to drink when needed, though it may fade with age. Drinking more water than necessary doesn't offer health benefits, as excess water is simply excreted. Studies have shown no benefit in drinking extra water for kidney function, debunking the myth that more water helps flush out toxins or improves kidney health. Therefore, focus on drinking when you're thirsty, and stay hydrated in hot weather, but don't stress over hitting a specific water intake target. (Condensed from an article by Christopher Labos MD MSc)
  • The last Montreal Canadiens player to record 80 points in a season was Alex Kovalev in the 2007/2008 season.

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