Friday, August 16, 2024

Things I learned lately 16 Aug

  • A brown guy dressed in a suit similar to what Vivek Ramaswami typically wears and went to the Trump rally in Montana. So many people wanted their picture taken with him, including rally attendees, the governor, and Miss Montana. He tried to get on stage, but the secret service stopped him only because he didn’t have any press credentials.
  • Up to 20% of Olympic athletes suffer from asthma. In many cases the asthma is a direct result of the strenuous breathing required of their sport.
  • Google’s global market share on search is 91%.
  • Microsoft once offered Apple 100% of its Bing search ad revenue if Apple would dislodge Google as its default search engine. Apple said no.
  • Tesla builds a new car every 13 seconds.
  • UCP MLA Eric Bouchard wants the government to ban COVID vaccines in Alberta.
  • Sudbury ON, the largest city in "Northern Ontario" is actually closer to Jacksonville FL, than it is to the Arctic Circle. Sudbury is about 1,800km from Jacksonville, and 2,200km from the Arctic Circle.
  • In the United States, the term "the shore" is most commonly used in the Mid-Atlantic region, particularly in New Jersey. People from New Jersey often say they are "going to the shore" when they refer to visiting oceanfront areas, especially the “Jersey Shore”. This usage is distinct from other regions, such as Delaware, where people typically refer to "the beach" instead.

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