Friday, July 05, 2024

Things I learned lately 5 July

  • Since Tesla Model S production started in 2012, Tesla has now delivered 6.2 million vehicles to customers.
  • Although over 150 years has elapsed since settlers traversed the Oregon Trail across the US, you can still find patches of wagon ruts and sunken trails. The tens of thousands of wagons that passed over the trail left some areas permanently worn down, compacted, and inhospitable to vegetation.
  • The Yamanote line in Tokyo, one Metro line that circles the centre of Tokyo, transports almost the equivalent of the entire population of Alberta every day.
  • The equivalent of the entire population of Canada uses the greater metro Tokyo’s rail services every day.
  • The Vomit Comet is the nick-name of the 300 Bloor-Danforth Blue Night Network bus route. The 300 and 300A provides after-hours bus TTC service when the Bloor-Danforth Subway is not running. Likewise the 320 Yonge bus route retraces the Yonge Subway line. Last Call for alcohol is 2am and the Subway System calls it a night at half past the hour. It happens now and then that riders on this route happen to vomit their alcohol and/or cookies in-between stops onto the floor of the bus itself. Blue Night Network bus drivers at times have a hurry up and wait style of rocketing from stop to stop. Put those two together and we get the Vomit Comet.

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