Friday, July 12, 2024

Small things 12 July

  • Of all the places friends of mine have gone around the world, the one place that makes them say things like, “That place is on another level.”, is Japan.
  • One of the most amazing displays of democracy in history is that one thousand islands managed to come together and agree on a single dressing.
  • Calling bigotry an opinion is like calling arsenic a flavour.
  • I will restart the entire song if you talk over my favourite part.
  • “For fast acting relief, try slowing down.”  ~Lily Tomlin
  • You let them shenan once, they’ll shenanigan.
  • The new fear mongering: AI will be the death of music. Yeah. They said the same thing about streaming, immersive audio, sampling, mashups, Logic, Garage Band, Napster, IRC, Pro Tools, mp3, computers, portable hard drives, CDs, CD-R, DAT, digital recording, synthesizers, cassette tapes, stereo, and gramophones. Make art. Good music will always win.
  • What does that sign say at the cashier of the cafe run by cows? Thank you for not tipping.
  • Imagine if Sesame Street wrote ‘Interview with the Vampire’. Featuring The Count.

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