Saturday, June 15, 2024

Small things 15 June

  • Mama bear: The porridge is ready. Papa bear: Perfect. Let’s leave for a couple of hours.
  • A nice thing about reading a book is that when you’re finished reading it, there’s no collection of obnoxious negative comments at the end.
  • If someone accuses you of swearing too much, tell them you’re speaking fluent veteran, using a soldier dialect and a military accent.
  • The restaurant that served Kentucky Fried Chicken in Canada in the 70s was named Scott’s Chicken Villa Family Restaurant (or La Villa du Poulet in Quebec). They served a lot more than just KFC products.
  • I wonder, if you pour root beer into a squared glass, are you just left with beer?
  • Some days I wonder if we’re being punked by our bank. Witness a statement screw-up that took many calls, a few branch visits, 3 years and 2 forms to fix. A credit card replacement incident that took 4 phone calls and a branch visit to fix. And finally, a simple call to ask a simple question about fees that lasted 30 minutes, 28 of it on hold, with no resolution and a CSR that had an accent thicker than Jackie Chan.
  • Here’s hoping more young girls aspire to be like Alyssa Carson (youngest person in history to pass all NASA's aerial tests) instead of Kendall Jenner.
  • None of your problems are because someone is on welfare.
  • None of your problems are because of an immigrant.
  • None of your problems are because of anyone who identifies a certain way.
  • A woman gets married and changes how people address her and nobody bats an eye. Someone who identifies a certain way wants to change the way people address them and some people lose their minds.

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