Friday, November 24, 2023

Small things 24 Nov

  • How to weird out your fellow commuters on the train / bus: Make vanilla pudding. Put it in an empty mayo jar. Eat in front of everyone.
  • Is fake laughing with a customer a job skill worthy of adding to your CV? Asking for a friend.
  • Wear a falconry glove to the off-leash park and frantically look up to the sky for a while. See how long it takes before the small dog owners leave.
  • Yes, I’ll get over it. I just need to be dramatic first.
  • I hate when people say I'm lollygagging when I'm clearly dilly dallying.
  • Imagine how awkward it would be to attend your home-schooled class reunion being the only sibling who made anything of themself.
  • Once you get old, there’s only 3 places a thing can be: carelessly set down and you can’t remember where; deliberately put somewhere specific and you can’t remember where; you’re holding it and you don’t even realize it.
  • The Rocky Horror Muppet Show. I’d watch it.
  • Elon has lost his wife, his kids, 40 billion dollars, and his spaceship crashed. It's a genre of country music that doesn't even exist yet.
  • Isn’t it fun how perfect strangers will just wave to each other when one of them is on a boat? For absolutely no reason. They're not trying to communicate anything other than "LOOK! I am on a boat! Ahoy!" "Yes, I see you! On the boat! Hello!" [Thanks to Matt Dewald for the inspiration]
  • Decades ago, young men put more thought, money and care into their car stereos than their actual car.
  • Dumb guy thought the florist was where you went shopping for carpet and lino.
  • The internet police should give you a massive fine every time you post something sarcastically without adding /s.

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