Friday, August 18, 2023

Small things 18 Aug

  • I have no idea why, I’m not even American, but the funniest thing appeared in my Facebook feed: “Renouncing US Citizenship - Questions answered live!”
  • Things appropriate to say to children, but not to adults: “Look at you, you got so big!” “You’re not leaving the table until you eat those vegetables.” “When you pay the rent, you can start making the rules.”
  • Drive your passengers insane by tying a harmonica to the underside of your vehicle and pretending like you don’t hear anything when you’re whizzing down the road. Just be sure to face it the right way.
  • U-Haul has the worst drivers of any trucking company.
  • Name for a dad blog: “Oops, I dad it again.”
  • It figures that there’s no show and tell when you’re an adult. I have so much cooler stuff now.
  • Am I tempting fate if I let my Roomba loose on my Ouija board pattern throw rug?
  • If you own a cat and it sees you accidentally knock a cup onto the floor, you have to spray yourself with water. You know, to show that the rule applies to everyone.

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