Friday, June 09, 2023

What can you do with ChatGPT

Many of you will have heard about the AI tool ChatGPT by now. But like any other powerful tool, it’s hard sometimes to figure out what you can use it for that can help you. Here are some ideas:

Simplify complex topics. If you're ever confused about a complex topic, ask ChatGPT:

"Explain [complex topic] like I'm 5 years old."

Summarize articles. Online articles can be a pain to read. You have to get past paywalls, filler, ads, etc. ChatGPT will summarize main points from any article URL you feed it.

First drafts / inspiration. Don’t let ChatGPT write content for you verbatim, but there’s nothing ethically wrong with getting it to churn out some content to inspire you.

Tell it to write [type of content], for example, “Write a long-form article about the techno scene in Berlin Germany.”

Edit your writing. ChatGPT can be a great writing assistant. If you're unhappy with some of your writing, copy & paste it into ChatGPT, then tell it to proofread spelling & grammar, or recommend changes, or edit in a specific style. “Make the above essay longer with a more casual writing style.”

Generate headlines. Ask ChatGPT to generate various headlines on a certain topic. Take your pick and make it your own.

Summarize books. ChatGPT can distill major ideas from a book. “Summarize the wealthy barber by david chilton.”

(Many of these prompts also work in Bing AI Chat)

Shown as a Bing AI generated poem about sunsets...

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