Saturday, April 01, 2023

Small things 1 Apr

  • Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album is 50 years old this year.

  • You may have heard that some parents in America lost their minds when they found out their kids had been exposed to the nude statue of David through school. I guess they haven't seen the nude pics these kids share with each other on Snapchat yet, huh?
  • If they can find space in a Hudsons Bay store for a Zellers store, I’d like to know what items they had to get rid of to get all that space? Like, do they stop stocking Hudsons Bay blankets? Overpriced chocolate? Clothing from 3 seasons in the future?
  • I'm going to work on being less condescending. (Condescending means to talk down to people)
  • If Facebook can decide what ads I should be seeing, why can’t the streaming services just know what I want to watch next?
  • OK, so it’s an app. Both you and your spouse put it on your phone. You both open it and swipe left or right on restaurants that are within a radius that you both agree on in advance. Whatever place you both agree to first is where you’re going out for dinner. We can call it Chicken Tinder.
  • Can werewolves eat chocolate?
  • I dare you to Google image search ‘cat faces on bees’

[Neil deGrasse Tyson at a Train concert] JUPITER IS A GAS GIANT YOU CAN'T HAVE DROPS OF IT

[fighting off security] MORE LIKE DROPS OF STUPIDER

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