Thursday, January 19, 2023

Small things 19 Jan

  • I think that if I ever ran for office, I’d try to pull a Santos. Just in case I do someday, we may as well start things off right. I wrote two Pulitzer Prize winning books in the last two years. David Suzuki asked me if I would ghost-write his autobiography.
  • Funniest thing I heard this week: [discussing George Santos] “Do you think it’s the uh chat bot? [probably referring to ChatGPT AI] Like, do you think George Santos typed in ‘lies I could tell that people wouldn’t check’?” ~Jon Stewart 
  • My birth mother died in 1961, less than a week after I was born. My father died in 2023, almost 62 years later. That’s quite the span.
  • “Am I adopted?” “Not yet. We haven’t found a family that will take you.”
  • If your company buys everyone a subscription to LinkedIn Learning, they’re basically paying a data scraper to list your employees to other companies who would poach them. Basically.
  • Hypothermia - the coolest way to die.
  • "Bobby Hull said that once he clocked Jean Béliveau with an elbow when the two were lingering behind the play. It was a cheap shot, and Hull knew it. A few seconds later, he heard this deep voice ringing as if from the heavens: “Bobby,” the voice of Béliveau said, “I’m very disappointed in you.”
  • Imagine the first hug. Talk about awkward. “What are you doing? Why are you grabbing me?” “Sssssshh. Just trust me.”
  • Maybe the reason there have been so many UFO sightings is because in general, people are just really bad at identifying things in the sky.
  • You know you’re old when you no longer have to inquire about the senior discount. They just give it to you.

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