Friday, May 20, 2022

Small things 20 May

  • I'm pretty sure 'great replacement' is not a theory, and it should rightfully rest solely within the domain of first nations people.
  • You know how Twitter has a limit of 280 characters in a post? I sometimes wish Facebook had a character minimum of 18 or 24 characters to eliminate the posts containing one word that have no context or meaning.
  • Great. Now we have to worry about monkeypox?
  • I watch a lot of YouTube videos of people driving various cars (mostly EVs) and giving their impressions. I am amused by how many of them insist on critiquing other drivers on the road during their reviews.

  • We can make pop that tastes like a birch tree and chips that taste like roast chicken. Why can't we make stamps that taste good when you lick them?
  • Ask a current McDonalds employee who Grimace is. Or the Hamburglar. Or Mayor McCheese.
  • There's no word that contains all the vowels in the proper order, I said, facetiously...
  • You are not stuck in traffic. You are traffic.
  • Steampunk. What happens when goth kids discover brown.
  • "Chunky peanut butter. That's not peanut butter. That's work in progress."  ~Lewis Black

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