Friday, March 25, 2022

Things I learned lately 25 March

  • Illinois, New York, New Jersey and New Hampshire are the states where their demographic is most similar to the national US demographic. The national demographic is 60.6% White; 18.1% Hispanic; 12.3% Black; 5.5% Asian; and 0.7% American Indian.
  • The legal drinking age in most of Europe is 18.
  • If the US's wealth were distributed equally, the average person would be 6 times wealthier. In Russia, it would be 7 times. In Canada, it would be 2 times.
  • Texas is already the top wind power producer in the US and is on pace to become number 1 in solar power in a few years. Texas.
  • Alberta was planning to move traffic tickets from court to an online challenge system that would cost $150 to dispute a ticket. Thankfully, they have scrapped the idea.
  • Alberta now has feral pigs.
  • Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft. It's the longest German word and it translates to "Danube steamship company captain".
  • Apparently over-ripe banana slices with a bit of sugar sprinkled on them are really nice roasted over a campfire instead of marshmallows.
  • There are people online actually complaining that the President of Ukraine should at least wear a suit when addressing people on the air.

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