Friday, January 22, 2021

Small things 22 Jan

  • It's super easy to 'love winter' from inside a nice warm house all day and all night.
  • Can we please make all retail pay terminals the same so that you tap the same exact spot on each one? Also, let's all welcome WalMart into the 21st century - they now have tap.
  • Never be afraid to prove yourself wrong.
  • I love that as an adult you can do whatever you want. Like have breakfast for dinner. Or just dessert for dinner.
  • I went into the bank with a mask on today. I didn't even get a second look.
  • The only part of your reflection you can lick is your tongue.

"Get off the computer, you're spending too much time online."

"Mom, can I go out to see my friends?"

"You know you can't. There's a lockdown and a pandemic."

"But mom!"

"You can visit your friends online!" 

[realizes the contradiction]


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