Friday, December 04, 2020

Small things 4 Dec

  • To anyone not getting the vaccine because they don't know what's in it, I hope you never ate a hot dog.......
  • Every building should eventually generate its own power.
  • Where there's a will, there's a notary.
  • In 20 years the world will be run by people homeschooled by day drinkers.
  • Should we really trust trees? They seem kinda shady.....
  • Remember when you were young and you thought the cops could legally commit crimes, but then you grew up and realized they couldn't? But then you got older and realized yes they could?
  • Less egos, more amigos.
  • If we can build oil pipelines THROUGH indigenous land, why can't we build water pipelines TO indigenous land? (Thanks Isabel)

  • Why am I just now hearing about Totes McGoats? (Niagara Falls recycling mascot - look it up)
  • If democrats could rig elections, Americans would have single-payer health care and tuition-free schools. Also, they wouldn't have let Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham win again.
  • Red Bull gives you wings. And by wings I mean diabetes.
  • The person who wrote "The lion sleeps tonight" doesn't know much about lions...
  • America, don't forget that GOP senators also knew how bad the coronavirus was while publicly downplaying it in February. Some of them sold off all their stocks after the first briefing on covid and then kept telling their constituents the virus was no big deal.

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