Friday, December 11, 2020

Small things 11 Dec

  • Considering how much people have just had enough with 2020, I'm waiting to spot someone who just threw a bunch of lights on the ground in front of their house and called it a day.

  • Imagine if your dog really did eat your homework. Nobody would believe you.
  • If two pregnant women fight, is it like the babies having a mech battle?
  • If something costs $1500 and then goes on sale for $1000 and then you decide to buy it, you didn't save $500. You spent $1000.
  • If you suddenly start saving lots of money does the bank inform you that it has detected unusual banking activity?
  • The government assigned you a number. They make you pay taxes. You have to register your property, guns, children. They know practically everything about you. But they're controlling you by telling you to wear a mask so you don't accidentally spit on each other?
  • How come when most other politicians win, their supporters don't wear the politician's name on hats for 4 years?
  • When you're watching YouTube and an ad for Google's Nest Audio comes on and the woman's voice says, "Hey Google, play some music!" And you're like, "Not again..." because your Google Home starts playing music.
  • When you're both typing a text as indicated by the 3 dots, so you erase the message to let them 'speak' first, but they do the same thing....
  • Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. It's the winter that killed him.

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