Friday, November 13, 2020

Come on Google

Here's something I don't quite understand. I live mostly in the Google environment, except for the fact that I own an iPhone. Yeah, I know, right?

No but seriously, I use Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Photos (even to back up my iPhone's camera roll), Google Keep, and I own a couple Google Home devices.

The thing that I think could work so much better is reminders. If a Google event happens, I'll see a notification if I happen to be looking at my phone, but that's it. I don't have my phone on my person 24 hours a day. Sure, I could purposely look at the Google notifications, but that sort of defeats the point of notifications.

Here's the thing. I own Google Home devices that are constantly listening to what's going on around them. I know this not because I'm a paranoid, tinfoil hat wearing myth monkey, but because the minute I say the words, "Hey Google!", it goes into response mode.

Yet, when there is a reminder pending, all this device does is light up a tiny little LED. So again, if I'm not looking at the device, and I don't usually, I don't know there's a reminder.

Wouldn't it be nice if this always-on, intelligent device, as soon as it heard my voice in the background, said, "Excuse me Karl, is that you?" [me: "Yes."][or me: "Not now!"] "OK. I just wanted to let you know that you set a reminder to [insert what the reminder was here] for 7:30 PM. Do you want me to cancel that reminder?" If I had said "Not now", it would just hang on to the reminder for a while longer. Would that be so hard?


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