Friday, October 02, 2020

Things I learned lately 2 Oct

  • If the news you read on social media has a profound effect on your negative emotions, there is a very high likelihood that it's fake, falsified, or highly edited news. Always check sources.
  • Astrophysicists haven't only discovered exo-planets in our Milky Way, they've also found an exo-planet in the M51 Whirlpool Galaxy, some 23 million light years from Earth near the constellation of Ursa Major.

  • Let's say your matrilineal line is fairly consistent and everyone has their daughter at 25. So four women in your matrilineal line are born every hundred years. In a thousand years, that's only 40 mothers. So in 2000 years, 80 mothers. So basically, 0 AD started roughly about 80 mothers or generations ago. That's it. Also, the advent of agriculture around 9500 BC was about 450 mothers ago.
  • Tesla is working on a new battery cell with cheaper materials, higher energy density, faster charge time and longer range. They know they have to do this to make their vehicles cheaper and more practical, but also to make their batteries useful in grid storage to store wind and solar power. They are also making the battery pack part of the car's stiff structure. They're targeting a 55% reduction in battery cost too.
  • The new buzzword regarding Trump hinting that he might not accept the results of the election if it doesn't suit him is.... squattergate.
  • Apparently, Helsinki airport uses dogs to sniff out coronavirus.
  • The governor of California plans to ban the sale of new gasoline (ICE) vehicles by 2035.
  • Snakes are not 'poisonous'. They are 'venomous'.
  • Farm workers in Oregon and California still have to pick crops in the fields. Smoke or no. Imagine it's so thick with smoke that you need a flashlight to see well. Now imagine having to do manual labour in that so that we have cucumbers in the produce section.

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