Thursday, June 25, 2020

Things I learned lately 25 June

  • If you look at a zoomed-out Google Map (satellite view), you'll see what looks like a continental shelf to the east and northwest of New Zealand. That's the lost continent of Zealandia, that sank into the ocean 85 million years ago.
  • Pink Floyd almost made an album, Household Objects, featuring music made from..... yes. Although it never got released, the track "Wine Glasses" was incorporated into the beginning synth-like sound that opens "Shine on your crazy diamond". Listen to that track again and tell me you aren't blown away that this is wine glasses....... 
  • If a light bulb is close enough to people having a conversation, specialized equipment can convert its visible vibrations into sound representing that conversation. It's like using a light bulb as a remote mic. Fwiw, military technologists have known about this kind of eavesdropping for decades. And, now I have to kill you.
  • The Segway is officially done. Selling that is.
  • Malala Yousafzai, the woman who at age 15 was shot in the head by the Taliban for advocating for the education of girls in Pakistan in 2012, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, has graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
  • Trump and his people actually referring to Covid as Kung Flu.
  • In Dublin OH, there's an art installation consisting of 109 upright 6 foot tall white concrete corn cob statues in a field.

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