Saturday, March 07, 2020

Things I learned lately 6 Mar

  • The law in Alberta says that an advertised car price at a dealership is all-in, meaning all fees included except for finance charges and GST.
  • Dracula parrots are a thing. Do a Google image search. Gothic.....
  • Scotland will be making all women's hygiene products available for free.
  • The lack of sick days available to US workers will be a factor in allowing the corona virus to spread faster.
  • Vin Mariani tonic was introduced in 1863 and was advertised both as wine, and as a general cure-all product promising to treat whatever ailment you may have. The tonic became a sensation and was widely endorsed, used among many famous people of the time, including the Pope and Thomas Edison. The tonic even inspired the invention of Coca Cola. The reason behind Vin Mariani's success? The drink contained around 6 mg of cocaine per fluid ounce of wine.
  • The string on cartons of animal cracker treats was put on the box in 1902 so that the boxes, smaller than the large tins the crackers were usually sold in, could be hung on Christmas trees; the packaging was a hit and the smaller box, string and all, is still produced today.
  • In ancient Mesopotamia, the new year was celebrated on March 20th, the Spring Equinox.
  • 95 percent of cranberries are processed immediately after harvest into juice and cranberry sauce. The remaining 5 percent are sold fresh or dried and sweetened.
  • Stonehenge has had a bit of help. Since 1901, people have been putting blocks back that fall out of place.
  • British military tanks are required to have a boiling vessel station for brewing tea or other hot drinks (and heating boil-in-the-bag meals) on board.

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