Friday, March 13, 2020

Things I learned lately 13 Mar

  • Contrary to what the eyeglass store might tell you, blue light from your computer does NOT cause cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, or retinal damage. In fact, there is no data to support that it even causes eye strain or fatigue. The fatigue you do experience has to do with a lower blink rate, which dries your eyes out. The cure? 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break from the monitor and look 20 feet into the distance (or more).
  • From March 1st 2020, Luxembourg will have free public transit throughout the country. You'll be able to travel on buses, trains, trams, and that one funicular railway without a ticket.
  • Moths don't eat holes in fabric. Their larvae do.
  • Disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker is hawking a Silver Solution for $125 that supposedly cures the corona virus in 12 hours.
  • The average salary for a GP (general practitioner doctor) in the US is USD$218,173. In France, it's USD$111,769. Unlike US doctors, who pay for their medical schooling, in France it's free.
  • In Finland, the cupboard space above the kitchen sink, each shelf behind that one door is a drying rack. Any water dripping from the dishes falls into the sink and you don't have to look at your wet dishes all day.
  • In Finland it isn't unusual for groups of homes to pool money together to buy and maintain common tools like lawnmowers and basic tools for the group to use. All kept in a communal storage building.
  • Wind turbine blades can be severely damaged over time from hail, ice pellets, dust, anything at all in the air, which pummels the leading edge of the blades at speeds up to 350 km/h.
  • They used a topless overweight guy to demonstrate on social media how to do a breast self examination because you can't show that on a woman's topless body on social media. 
  • Thanks to Spanish explorers bringing the bird back from the Americas, by the end of the 16th century, turkey was widely eaten across England.
  • Chromebooks have an end-of-life date built in when they stop getting updates.

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