Friday, January 17, 2020

Small things 17 Jan

  • If I was as reliable about my job as the person that picks up my garbage, I would have been fired many years ago.
  • The sad truth about retirement is that you spend most of life getting up early to get to school, then work. When you finally retire and can sleep as late as you want to, your body alarm gets you up at 4am, just because.
  • My last fortune cookie said "Ignore previous cookie".
  • Meanwhile, 2 Presidents have now been impeached for embarrassing Hillary Clinton............
  • Technology is so advanced you no longer need to leave the house to get pissed off by a stranger.
  • Digital whisper. Texting someone who is right beside you.
  • Middle age. You finally got your head together. Now your body starts to fall apart.
  • Worm thoughts: "Oh boy! I've never been fishing before!"

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