Friday, October 11, 2019

Small things 11 Oct

  • Don't worry if you drop ice cubes and they roll under your refrigerator. After a while, it's just water under the fridge.
  • Bread is like the sun. It rises in the yeast and sets in the waist.
  • Dental X-rays. Or as some might call them - tooth pics.
  • Q. Why won't the flight attendants allow me to change seats to get away from screaming kids?A. Because you're their father.
  • If you give a 'get better soon' card to someone who isn't even sick, they might not take it too well.
  • Who is more easily entertained? The dog chasing its tail or the person watching?
  • There's no reason to tailgate someone in the slow lane, especially when I'm going 35 over the limit. And those flashing lights on top of your car look ridiculous...
  • Why would you lick a battery to test it? Do you know where that things been? Also, that's sexual assault on a battery.... Also, it only works with 9V batteries. Just sayin'...
  • For most people, when you "lose your khakis", you've lost your pants. In Boston, if you "lose your khakis", you can't start your car.

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