Friday, September 20, 2019

Things I learned lately 20 Sep

  • A one dollar investment in solar power will yield six to seven times as much useful energy as a one dollar investment in oil, over the course of the investment’s lifetime.
  • The "diesel-gate" controversy seems to have motivated Volkswagen to accelerate their electric vehicle transformation plans. VW aims to launch almost 70 new electric models in the next decade, and hopes to build 22 million electric cars over this same period. 
  • "'i' before 'e', except after 'c'." One of the biggest myths propagated by English schools in my time.
  • The top 4 banks in the world, based on Tier 1 capital, are Chinese.
  • At dozens of American KFC locations, they're serving fried chicken sandwiched between two glazed doughnuts. 'Merica!
  • I wonder how the first person to heat corn in hot oil reacted when those kernels exploded.
  • The biggest factor contributing to US Army recruiting success this year was the student loan crisis.
  • The 40 prisoners left in Guantanamo Bay prison cost the US half a billion dollars per year.
  • There are around 100,000 fully electric vehicles in Canada in autumn 2019.
  • The beginnings of Switzerland’s famous neutrality dates all the way back to a peace treaty the nation signed with France on November 12, 1516.
  • The Harlem Globetrotters are not actually from Harlem, but from Chicago; they didn’t actually play a game in Harlem until 40 years after the team was formed.

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