Friday, January 18, 2019

This is Canada after all......

[Open to man standing beside car, in the dark. The car is running. The man is scraping frost off the window.]

Man: "Canada, you have to do your part this winter. Do what you need to do to get your car ready for winter driving."

"That means scraping your windows clear. Brushing all the snow off the car."

"But it doesn't end there. Make sure you top up your windshield washer fluid regularly. And don't neglect your tires. You really should have snow tires on during the winter months."

"This is Canada after all."

[Man slides a shim down the inside of the window and unlocks the car, opens it, gets in and drives away.]

[Simultaneously, the car owner comes running out of their home]

"That's my car!!!!"


Don't leave your running car unattended. A message from the RCMP and your local police.

[Fade to black]

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