Friday, November 09, 2018

Things I learned lately 9 Nov

  • In 2017, 62 incidents of uncontrolled train movements were reported to the Transportation Safety Board in Canada.
  • The Paris region plans to launch a large fleet of electric bicycles in a state-funded scheme aimed at getting commuters to cycle to work (or the train) and reduce congestion and pollution. Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM) will provide up to 10,000 e-bikes for long-term rental, with a view to expanding the scheme to 20,000. Unlike Velib bikes, which are rented on an hourly basis and must be docked in roadside stations after use, Veligo bikes will stay with users, who can rent them for 40 euros a month, half of which can be subsidized by their employers.
  • In Antarctica, around 1% of the continent is permanently ice and snow free, and have been that way for almost 2 million years.
  • Ring shaming FB groups are a thing. Women shame their fiances for the lousy ring they bought.
  • 99% of the hydrogen and helium in the solar system is in the sun.
  • NASA just smashed the record for the fastest human-made object. Its Parker solar probe (pictured) is now flying past the sun at 213,200 mph.
  • The 1993 McLaren F1 set a speed record of 231 mph, which it held for 11 years.
  • 25% of Canadians consider it "blasphemy" to put pineapple on pizza. (Not me!)

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