Friday, October 12, 2018

Small things 12 Oct

  • When the teacher walks up to you during an exam and looks at your paper then announces "Hey everyone please make sure you read the questions carefully...."
  • Whenever a fairly large store closes between July and October, Spirit Halloween executives must be all like "YESSS!!"
  • To think that once upon a time, I used to stand very still, for what seemed like hours on end, in the blazing sun, waiting for a man wielding a stick to walk up to me, and decide whether my uniform looked OK or not.
  • There are folks out there who think Hawaiian pizza is an abomination. More for me I guess.
  • A guy put pics of him and his new bride as backgrounds on his cheques, so he could pay his alimony to his ex-wife with them.
  • In Florida, a man broke INTO prison to hang with his friends.
  • Why when people are giving you change do they insist on trying to balance the coins on top of the bills? They should put the coins in the cup of your hand first, then add the bills.
  • In the days after the light bulb was installed, moths must have gone crazy.
  • Imagine if Jessica Biel named one of her kids "Batmo".....

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