Friday, August 31, 2018

Small things 31 Aug

  • Imagine a President who suggests that if you impeach him, the stock market will go crazy and a lot of people will lose their money; and if the Democrats win midterm elections, there will be violence. Rule through fear and intimidation.
  • "Who is this clown?" is a pretty good insult, because 1. you're calling them a clown, and 2. you're saying they're not even a well known clown.
  • In Canada we have the "using 'sorry' unnecessarily" jar.
  • I'm an Adobeist. I converted my family to PDF.
  • Daylight savings should not happen at midnight, it should happen at 4:00 pm on a Friday. That would make it 5:00 pm and everyone gets to go home early.
  • I have a dad bod. Or as I like to call it - a father figure.
  • Youtube. Your child's first words might be "Don't forget to subscribe."
  • If I live to be 100 and people ask me how I did it, I'm going to make something wacky up. 

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